Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fish Frys (Fries??) are coming... go buy your shirts.

Thees yeer, eye um haveen too feesh friiis at mi leeetul seester's howse. The dates will bee poasted soon.

Uncal Bob


sarah p. said...

We should do this on Friday the 6th of March for Mom's birthday. What better way to celebrate together?

Bern said...

I'll have two and leave it to a vote. Post what day work best for you and I'll try my best to accommodate.

Same rules as before - you get 2 bucks off if you wear a shirt that would make uncle bob proud.

danielle said...

I could come to one if you had it on March 27th (during my spring break).

sarah p. said...

The 6th is not good for Eddie's people but the 13th, 20th and 27th are good.

Anonymous said...

Bern - did YOU publish that picture? Or, was it a GIFT from a loved one?

greg & gina said...

Anyay idayFray isay oodgay orfay usay. Eway ovelay ishfay ickstay. Addyday ikeslay eerbay oremay, oughthay.

Rob M said...

Greg-ay is dumb-ay is cannot-ay post-ay

screw it,
youre banned from pig latin posts.

Frum ewer leaatle buruthear.

im doing it now.